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In case you’re wondering, this article has nothing to do with Sasha Daygame or the Infinite Man dating site. However, it is about The Infinite Man, a 2014 Science Fiction film that deals with Time-Loops. The movie’s directed by Hugh Sullivan and has done a reasonably good job handling the film’s complexities in a shoestring budget. The Infinite Man cast has just three people – Josh McConville, Hannah Marshall, and Alex Dimitriades (his character is most entertaining). The plot revolves around a couple who set out to celebrate their anniversary but get trapped in a series of Time-Loops. The film is pretty well made considering how complex it gets, and clearly, there were no funds for any special effects. Hi, this is Barry, welcome to my site, and here’s the plot and ending of The Infinite Man explained, spoilers ahead.
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Oh, and if this article doesn’t answer all of your questions, drop me a comment or an FB chat message, and I’ll get you the answer. You can find other film explanations using the search option on top of the site.
Here are links to the key aspects of the movie:
- – Movie Explanation
- – Timeline Diagram
- – Time-Loop-1
- – Time-Loop-2
- – Time-Loop-3
- – Time-Loop-4
- – Who is the Dean at the end?: Time-Loop-5
- – Crux: The Infinite Man might not be a Time-Travel movie at all!
- – How do they survive for a year in that deserted place?
The Infinite Man: Movie Explanation
Dean is a pattern freak and is currently in a relationship with Lana. Terry is Lana’s ex-boyfriend, and they had dated each other for a few weeks years ago. To celebrate their anniversary, Dean brings Lana to the same place that they had spent it the previous year. The site is now abandoned, and Dean is unnerved because he can’t run through his preset plan. Lana wants to head to the beach instead. Dean has planed to capture the memory of their anniversary on a device he’s been working on.
Let me stop here real quick to explain how I’m going to be numbering the characters. The people from the very first loop, I will mark as 1. I’ll increment the number when a person goes back in time. For example, Dean-1 becomes Dean-2 when he time travels. That said, the film begins with Dean-1, Lana-1, and Terry-1. Let’s walk through each loop and trace their significant events.
The Infinite Man: Timeline Diagram
Here’s a diagram that traces the paths of the three characters and their time-copies (click to enlarge).
- Dean-1 and Lana-2 wear the memory device.
- Terry-1 shows up pledging his love for Lana.
- Terry-1 zaps Dean-1 for confronting him.
- Dean-1 lashes out on Lana-1.
- Lana-1 leaves with Terry-1, Dean-1 is left alone.
- One year passes.
- Dean-1 makes a phone call to Lana.
- Lana mysteriously appears below (we’ll get to who this is later).
- Dean-1 talks to mysterious Lana.
- Dean-1 kisses Lana-1 (this person is not the same as mysterious Lana).
- Dean-1 and Lana-1 travel back in time by one year and become Dean-2 and Lana-2.
- Dean-2 and Lana-2 watch the past events from a room.
- Lana-2 runs into Dean-1, Dean-2 runs into Lana-1.
- Dean-2 and Lana-2 get back together.
- Terry-1 shows up pledging his love for Lana.
- Terry-1 zaps Dean-1 for confronting him.
- Terry-1 throws Dean-2 over for confronting him.
- Dean-1 lashes out on Lana-1.
- Dean-2 gains consciousness and goes back to Lana-2.
- Dean-2 meets Dean-3, who tells him Lana-2 is with him now.
- Dean-2 sees Dean-3 having sex with Lana-2.
- Dean-2 is left alone.
- Lana-1 leaves with Terry-1, Dean-1 is left alone.
- One year passes.
- Dean-1 makes the phone call to Lana.
- Dean-3 tells Dean-2 to travel back in time to become Dean-3 and be with Lana-2.
- Dean-2 travels back in time and becomes Dean-3.
- Dean-3 watches the past events from a room and grooms himself, preparing to meet Lana-2 (He’s already seen his future, he simply has to live it now to be with Lana-2).
- Terry-1 shows up pledging his love for Lana.
- Terry-1 zaps Dean-1 for confronting him.
- Terry-2 appears in the room with Dean-3, declaring he too has time-traveled.
- Terry-1 throws Dean-2 over for confronting him.
- Terry-1 kills Terry-2 by mistake and puts him in a body bag in his car’s trunk.
- Dean-3 heads over to meet Lana-2.
- Dean-1 lashes out on Lana-1.
- Dean-2 gains consciousness and goes back to Lana-2.
- Dean-3 meets Dean-2 and tells him Lana-2 is with him now.
- Dean-3 has sex with Lana-2 as Dean-2 watches.
- Dean-2 is left alone.
- Lana-1 leaves with Terry-1, Dean-1 is left alone.
- One year passes.
- Dean-1 makes the phone call to Lana.
- Dean-3 tells Dean-2 to travel back in time to be with Lana-2.
- Dean-3 wires Lana-2 with an earpiece and mic to head down (Dean-3 does this because Lana needs to show up mysteriously to keep the time-loops intact. They try waiting, but it doesn’t seem like any Lana was going to show up.)
- Lana-2 goes down and mysteriously appears below (equipped with her earpiece).
- Dean-3 uses the earpiece and takes Lana-2 through her conversation with Dean-1.
- Dean-1 talks to Lana-2, unaware of the time travel that has happened.
- Lana-2 leaves the area.
- Lana-1 shows up (we’ll talk about where she came from in Time-Loop-4).
- Dean-1 kisses Lana-1.
- Dean-3 believes that Lana-2 has left with Dean-1 to travel back in time.
- Terry-1 returns from town and states that Terry-2 died in the body bag. Also, Terry-1 has gotten rich over the year.
- Dean-3 sends Terry-1 back in time to become Terry-2 (he does this knowing very well what awaits for him in the future).
- Dean-3 goes back in time to become Dean-4.
- Dean-4 packs up.
- Terry-1 shows up pledging his love for Lana.
- Terry-1 zaps Dean-1 for confronting him.
- Terry-1 throws Dean-2 over for confronting him.
- Terry-1 kills Terry-2 by mistake and puts him in a body bag in his car’s trunk.
- Dean-1 lashes out on Lana-1.
- Dean-4 hears Lana-1 tell Terry-1 that she doesn’t love him.
- Lana-1 leaves with Terry-1, Dean-1 is left alone.
- Dean-4 intercepts Terry-1 and Lana-1.
- Lana-1 leaves with Dean-4 to the beach.
- Terry-1 leaves with Terry-2 in a body-bag, Terry-2 dies.
- One year passes.
- Dean-1 makes the phone call to Lana, and Dean-4 receives it.
- Dean-4 zaps Dean-1 and takes his place.
- Dean-3 wires Lana-2 with an earpiece and mic to head down.
- Lana-2 mysteriously appears below.
- Dean-3 uses the earpiece and talks Lana-2 through her conversation, but this time with Dean-4.
- Lana-2 leaves the area, Dean-4 follows her.
- Lana-1 shows up (she came looking for Dean-4, but the thing is that Lana-1 is unaware of any time-travel. She believes that the past year she lived with Dean-1 at the beach).
- Dean-1 kisses Lana-1, Lana-1 thinks this is Dean-4.
- Dean-1 and Lana-1 travel back in time by one year and become Dean-2 and Lana-2.
- Lana-2 breaks up with Dean-4, he tells her he will work hard to get better and not be the pattern freak that he is at present.
- Lana-2 says she would like Dean to just give her a simple box of chocolates and flowers and not a Time-Loop gizmo.
- Lana-2 walks away, and Dean-5 runs up to her with flowers and a box of chocolates (more on Dean-5 in Time-Loop-5).
The film ends here.
The Infinite Man Ending Explained: Who is the Dean at the end?: Time-Loop-5
It is not shown in the film, but we can presume that Dean-4 worked at his psychological problems for a year (or longer) and finally traveled back (becoming Dean-5) to the point in time when Lana-2 broke up with Dean-4. Dean-5 runs up to Lana-2 with flowers and a box of chocolates, and they make up.
Crux: The Infinite Man might not be a Time-Travel movie at all!
Now go back to the beginning when Dean and Lana make their first jump back in time. Dean clearly explains that his machine had captured the memories from the previous year and stored it on a hard drive. He then proceeds to describe how they can now go back to that memory. What he’s built is not really a time machine but something along the lines of the device in Inception, it’s a shared dream. All of Dean’s and Lana’s time-looping is happening inside the machine.
The Infinite Man: How do they survive for a year in that deserted place?
Did you notice how the year goes by without them really having any food or change of clothes? Well, that would make a lot of sense if we’re witnessing only memories of the one year looping on top of each other. And that, in the real world, Lana and Dean are lying unconscious connected to the machine. Of course, there is still the matter of how Dean-1 managed the first year on his own. Maybe he returned home and got back to the venue after the year.
What are your thoughts on the film? Do drop a comment or message me.
Barry is a technologist who helps start-ups build successful products. His love for movies and production has led him to write his well-received film explanation and analysis articles to help everyone appreciate the films better. He’s regularly available for a chat conversation on his website and consults on storyboarding from time to time.
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