Reminiscence Ending Explained (Full Plot Walkthrough)

Reminiscence plot explained

Reminiscence is a science-fiction thriller written and directed by Lisa Joy and this is her first full-length feature film as a director. The story is set in a dystopian future, centred on a man who runs a business that allows people to relive their memories. He falls in love with one of his clients, and she disappears on him, … Read more

2001: A Space Odyssey: Explained Simply

2001 A Space Odyssey explained simply

Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece, 2001: A Space Odyssey, has left more than one smart cinephile stupefied. We’ll discuss the theories of what’s going on (or not) in this landmark science fiction film. If you’re like many fans of science fiction or classic cult films in general, you want to like Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 epic masterpiece. You … Read more

Possessor Ending Explained (With Plot Walkthrough)

possessor ending explained

Possessor is a 2020 science-fiction psychological-thriller written and directed by Brandon Cronenberg (also check out Infinity Pool). The story revolves around an Agency that uses mind-control to get dastardly acts done for high-paying customers. The film presents a fresh take on consciousness transfer and its uses and has a sinister ending. Heads up, the ‘Uncut’ version has … Read more